Privacy Policy

We will treat all your personal information as confidential (although we reserve the right to disclose this information in the circumstances set out below). We will keep it on a secure server and we will do our best to comply with all applicable UK Data Protection and consumer legislation from time to time in place.

When you register or shop on this website, we will ask you to input and will collect Personal Information from you such as your name, e-mail address, billing address, delivery address, telephone number, product selections, credit card or other payment information and a password. We may also collect information about where you are on the internet (eg the URL you came from, IP address, domain types like and .com), your browser type, the country and telephone area code where your computer is located, the pages of our website that were viewed during your visit and any search terms that you entered on our website. We may collect this information even if you do not register with us.

You should be aware that this site is being monitored and may capture information about your visit that will help us improve the quality of our service.
We confirm that any personal information which you provide to us (or which is available on public registers) and any user information from which we can identify you, is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act and Totty Lowther understands best practice for managing information. We use your information only for the following purposes:

● Processing your orders
● For analysis to improve this Website and its services to you
● To serve website content and advertisements to you
● To administer the website
● If you consent, to notify you of products or special offers that may be of interest to you

You agree that you do not object to us contacting you for any of the above purposes whether by telephone, e-mail or in writing and you confirm that you do not and will not consider any of the above as being in breach of any of your rights under the Privacy and Electronic Communications EC Directive Regulations 2003
You may unsubscribe from our contact list at any time by by e-mailing us at

Your personal information may be disclosed to reputable third parties who will help process your order. Totty Lowther requires all such third parties to treat your personal information as fully confidential. We will not release your personal information to any company outside of Totty Lowther for mailing or marketing purposes.
You should be aware that if we are requested by the police or any other regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities to provide your personal information and /or user information, we are entitled do so.

We use cookies to keep track of your current shopping session to personalise your experience and so that you may retrieve your shopping basket at any time – if you do not accept cookies you will be unable to use this Website for shopping purposes, only for browsing and research.

We reserve the right to:
● Modify or withdraw, temporarily or permanently, this Website (or any part thereof) with or without notice to you and you confirm that we shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification to or withdrawal of the Website; and/or
● Change the Conditions from time to time, and your continued use of the Website (or part thereof) following such change shall be deemed to be your acceptance of such change. It is your responsibility to check regularly to determine whether Conditions have been changed. If you do not agree to any change to the Conditions then you must immediately stop using the Website.

Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.

Questions regarding this Policy should be directed to Totty Lowther Interiors